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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Contractor General Liability Insurance

In Today's enviroment, it is more important then ever to make sure your contractor is insured. Did you know that there is no law requiring contractor to have General Liability Insurance?
They are required to have a bond, but no insurance.

What if something goes wrong with their work?
What if their is a defect?
What if you do not notice the defect for many years?

Not all General Liability policies are the same. Some that are very inexpensive have a "sunset clause" in them, which means that after typically 3 years there is no coverage.

The next time you use a contractor, ask them for proof of insurance and better yet, call the certificate issuer to verify it is still vaild.

We are a full service insurance agency offering Contractor General Liability policies with down payments as low as $200 with an A rated, Admitted Carrier.

Visit for more information


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