Question: If you locked yourself out of your house, could you easily find a way in? If you answered yes, then a burglar could also answer yes. Many burglaries occur in the summer when people are away on vacation. Read on for a few tips that may help secure your home when you're not there. And you might want to print out the list of additional General Security Tips and keep it for future reference.
Take a security survey. Many local law enforcement agencies will provide a free survey of your property to help identify potential trouble spots. Another strategy is to put yourself into the mindset of a burglar. Walk through and around your home and keep asking yourself this question: If I were going to break in, how would I do it?
Get a dog. Dogs are great companions and even small dogs may make enough noise to help deter burglars.
Burglar alarms. A security alarm system can help keep your home safe from burglars — if you remember to turn it on.
Secure windows and doors. Easily visible locks on windows and doors may deter thieves. Make sure doors, windows and all frames are strong and in good condition.
Outside lighting. Good outdoor lighting is a crucial aspect of your home's security. Lighting can help to deter burglars and eliminate potential hiding spots.
Gardens, gates and fences. Check for weak spots in gates and fences and potential hiding spots provided by shrubs.
Keys. Don't leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place such as under the doormat or in a flowerpot — thieves often look there first.
No matter how secure your residence is, if a professional burglar has targeted your home and is determined to break in, the unthinkable may still happen. Be prepared: Create and maintain a detailed household inventory. And call me: I can give you information that may help you determine if you have adequate insurance coverage on your home and belongings.
General Security Tips1
1.Arrange to have a member of a law enforcement agency do a professional survey.
2.Keep all trees and shrubs pruned and well maintained to prevent anyone from hiding unseen.
3.Make sure that no trees, downpipes or latticework provide easy access to upper floors.
4.If you have skylights, make sure they can't be removed from the outside or easily broken.
5.Don't leave ladders or tools outside; they may assist a potential intruder.
6.Don't hide house keys outside where they're likely to be found.
7.Keep your home well lighted with particular attention to exterior doors.
8.Exterior doors should be at least 1¾ inches thick, made from solid wood or reinforced with metal.
9.All exterior doors should have heavy duty dead bolts and reinforced door jams.
10.Make sure no one can gain easy access through a mail slot, dryer vent or pet entrance.
11.If doors have glass panels, make sure no one can break through and defeat the locking mechanism.
12.Protect all sliding glass doors so they can't be easily lifted out of their frames.
13.Check that all exterior lights and security devices are in good working order.
14.If you have an attached garage, make sure the door leading to the house has a dead bolt.
15.Make sure your overhead door has a working electronic door opener.
16.Make sure your overhead door doesn't have any loose, broken or missing door panels or hardware.
17.Keep the overhead doors closed, and your car locked inside the garage.
18.Make sure all windows have reinforced locking devices that can be secured in the open position.
19.Install reinforced locks on all screens and storm windows.
20.Install guards or grates on all ground level windows.
21.Make sure that basement windows are glass block or protected by grates or security devices.
Take a security survey. Many local law enforcement agencies will provide a free survey of your property to help identify potential trouble spots. Another strategy is to put yourself into the mindset of a burglar. Walk through and around your home and keep asking yourself this question: If I were going to break in, how would I do it?
Get a dog. Dogs are great companions and even small dogs may make enough noise to help deter burglars.
Burglar alarms. A security alarm system can help keep your home safe from burglars — if you remember to turn it on.
Secure windows and doors. Easily visible locks on windows and doors may deter thieves. Make sure doors, windows and all frames are strong and in good condition.
Outside lighting. Good outdoor lighting is a crucial aspect of your home's security. Lighting can help to deter burglars and eliminate potential hiding spots.
Gardens, gates and fences. Check for weak spots in gates and fences and potential hiding spots provided by shrubs.
Keys. Don't leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place such as under the doormat or in a flowerpot — thieves often look there first.
No matter how secure your residence is, if a professional burglar has targeted your home and is determined to break in, the unthinkable may still happen. Be prepared: Create and maintain a detailed household inventory. And call me: I can give you information that may help you determine if you have adequate insurance coverage on your home and belongings.
General Security Tips1
1.Arrange to have a member of a law enforcement agency do a professional survey.
2.Keep all trees and shrubs pruned and well maintained to prevent anyone from hiding unseen.
3.Make sure that no trees, downpipes or latticework provide easy access to upper floors.
4.If you have skylights, make sure they can't be removed from the outside or easily broken.
5.Don't leave ladders or tools outside; they may assist a potential intruder.
6.Don't hide house keys outside where they're likely to be found.
7.Keep your home well lighted with particular attention to exterior doors.
8.Exterior doors should be at least 1¾ inches thick, made from solid wood or reinforced with metal.
9.All exterior doors should have heavy duty dead bolts and reinforced door jams.
10.Make sure no one can gain easy access through a mail slot, dryer vent or pet entrance.
11.If doors have glass panels, make sure no one can break through and defeat the locking mechanism.
12.Protect all sliding glass doors so they can't be easily lifted out of their frames.
13.Check that all exterior lights and security devices are in good working order.
14.If you have an attached garage, make sure the door leading to the house has a dead bolt.
15.Make sure your overhead door has a working electronic door opener.
16.Make sure your overhead door doesn't have any loose, broken or missing door panels or hardware.
17.Keep the overhead doors closed, and your car locked inside the garage.
18.Make sure all windows have reinforced locking devices that can be secured in the open position.
19.Install reinforced locks on all screens and storm windows.
20.Install guards or grates on all ground level windows.
21.Make sure that basement windows are glass block or protected by grates or security devices.
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