Insurance companies give a huge discount on both home and auto insurance policies when they are insured together. How much could you save? Well I have helped Clients save hundred's of dollars per year with this discount. Your coverage and protection is the same, the only difference is savings about 20% on your insurance.
I am amazed about how many people have their auto and home insurance with different companies. Do you think they take my advise and combine their coverages and save?
Here is my question to them. If you have been with an agent or company for any amount of time and they are not advising you of this discount why would you stay with them?
Being an advisor means offering clients what is in their best interest, not what is in the best interest of the agent or company. Some agents are just order takers and do not ask the right questions to offer their clients the best value for their insurance dollars.
I recently came across a client who was with two seperate insurance companies for about 5 years, no time did either agent or service personal advise the client that he could save with the auto - home discount. He was unaware of the discount until he met with me for a free no-obligation review. We found that he could save about $500 per year by combining his auto and home policies. Do you think he was happy with either of those other companies who were costing him $500 extra for 5 years? He lost $2,500 from not having a personal agent working on his side.
When I meet with clients who purchased their insurance online or by calling an 800# and do not have a personal agent to assist them, they are not always getting the lower better savings that they expect from cutting out the "middle man"
If you are not happy with your current insurance portfolio or the premiums you are paying we are always available for a free no-obligation consultation.
for more information visit or

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