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Friday, November 19, 2010

Ascp - Railway Stakes Day

Oh well - better late than never.

R1 N6 Ranger, 2 units to win
R2 n10 Pin Rouge, 0.5 units e/w - dangers 8 & 14
R3 N12 Kenmarette, 0.5 nits e/w - dangers 6 & 5
R4 N5 Key Box Quin 5,6 & 4 with 1 & 16, 0.2 units - very difficult race
r5 n4 Kens Double 1 unit to win
R6 n6 Double Barrel 0.5 units to win & quin with 1 & 3 for 0.25 units
r7 N9 Colour Correct 0.5 unit to win, 0.3 quin with 14, 8 & 11
r8 n7 Absolute Pleasure, 0.75 units e/w - danger 5
r9 n4 Follow The Road, 0.5 units e/w, dangers 9 & 13


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